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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Hillsborough AYSO Region 110

COVID FAQ for Referees

In general, follow local guidance if refereeing outside Hillsborough. These answers apply to Hillsborough Rec fields only: Crocker, District, West, North.

1. Do I need to wear a mask? 
Referees do not need to wear a mask. 

2. Do I enforce mask rules? 
Referees do not enforce mask rules for anyone. 

3. How do I do the line-up check-in procedure?
Ask the coach to line-up their players but do not ask for any particular spacing.

4. Do I need to enforce social distancing of coaches and substitutes in the technical area?
Referees do not enforce social distance rules for anyone.

5. If a coach has a substitute or substitutes sitting outside the technical area for social distancing is that ok? 
Yes. Use judgment if kids are too close to the AR lane or field of play, etc.

6. What if a coach standing outside the technical area claims they are doing so to socially distance?
Use judgment. Ok if close to the technical area; ask them to return if half way down the field, too close to AR lane, etc.

7. Is the traditional handshake between captains before the coin-flip allowed? 
Allow captains to greet each other however they want as long as they introduce themselves verbally. 

8. Are minor referee physical contacts allowed: receiving the line-up cards from coaches, sharing AR flags, the traditional referee team handshake before kick-off? 
Yes. If possible ARs should provide their own flag.

9. As AR2, what do I do if there is a crowd of spectators uncomfortably close to where I'm standing, like at the center line?
Ask spectators to stay two yards behind the AR lane. 

10. If a coach, player, or spectator is obviously symptomatic with some illness, what are my responsibilities and options? 
If you're concerned about a spectator, ask their coach to suggest that the spectator move a reasonable distance from others. If you're concerned about a coach, ask them to move a reasonable distance from others even if it means leaving the technical area. If you're concerned about a player, ask their coach to deal with them. If a coach refuses to substitute a player that is making the other team uncomfortable, the opposing coach is free to quit the match (for any reason). The situation where one team quits because of a safety concern will be resolved later by the RC, not the referee.

11. Do I allow the sportsmanship activities at the conclusion of the match?
Nothing is required. The coaches decide how their teams will interact after the match. The referee team can wave to the teams rather than approach or make contact. 

This FAQ is subject to change as our circumstances change so please check back often!

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Hillsborough AYSO Region 110

PO Box 117669 
Burlingame, California 94011

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